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My son has used Algebrator through his high-school, and it seems he will be taking it to college as well (thanks for the free update, by the way). I really like the fact that I can depend on your company to constantly improve the software, rather than just making the sale and forgetting about the customers.
Ida Smith, GA
The program is a lifesaver, thanks so much!
Maria Leblanc
As proud as my Mom was every time I saw her cheering me after I ran in a touchdown from 5 yards out, she was always just as worried about my grades. She said if I didnt get my grades up, nobody would ever give me a scholarship, no matter how many rushing yards I got. Even when my coach showed me your program, I didnt want no part of it. But, it started making sense. Now, I do algebra with as much confidence as play football and my senior year is gonna be my best yet!
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A solid software and we need more like it. Good job.
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