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solve algebra with decimals
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Author Message


Registered: 16.01.2002

Posted: Thursday 28th of Dec 08:25    

Hello people , I am studying solve algebra with decimals. I am in search of a resource that can give me answers to the problems. I need to pass this course with good grades. I can’t give it time because I work part time as well. Any resource that can help me do my homework would really be appreciated.
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Registered: 07.05.2006
From: egypt

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 07:58    

I have no clue why God made algebra, but you will be delighted to know that someone also came up with Algebrator! Yes, Algebrator is a program that can help you crack math problems which you never thought you would be able to. Not only does it solve the problem, but it also explains the steps involved in getting to that solution. All the Best!
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Registered: 15.05.2002

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 12:59    

Algebrator is a excellent software. All I had to do with my difficulties with graphing parabolas, solving inequalities and algebraic signs was to simply type in the problems; hit the ‘solve’ and presto, the answer just popped out step-by-step in an effortless manner. I have used this to problems in Algebra 2, Intermediate algebra and College Algebra. I would boldly say that this is just the thing for you.
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Registered: 22.07.2004
From: Ireland

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 11:36    

I remember having often faced difficulties with quadratic equations, ratios and angle-angle similarity. A really great piece of algebra program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem from workbook a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many algebra classes – Remedial Algebra, Pre Algebra and Basic Math. I greatly recommend the program.
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